
Akram Law Firm
Providing guidance and help in legal mattersLegal service
I have legal knowledge and experience in following:
- Constitutional law matters;
- Cybercrime law matters;
- Criminal law matters;
- Family law matters;
- Service Law matters;
- Immigration law matters;
Constitutional law matters
Legal services in constitutional matters as under:
- Challenge the amendment which is enacted in violation of Article 8 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973;
- Challenge the rules which are enacted in violation of Acts or ordinance;
- Challenge the notification which is enacted in the violation of law;
- Challenge the FIR in the High Court under Article 199 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973;
- Challenge the Blacklist/ECL cases in Constitutional jurisdiction of High Court under Article 199 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973;
- Challenge the appointment of Government and statutory body heads in High Court under Article 199 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973;
- Challenge the illegal detention in High Court under Article 199 of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973;
- Challenge the administrative or departmental proceedings in the High Court;
- Challenge the show cause notice, suspension order, personal hearing notice, removal or dismissal from service case;
- Filing of writ petition where no appeal or revision remedy is available.
Cybercrime law matters
Cybercrime laws are special domain of criminal law, which need knowledge and understanding of computer, internet, communication modes and digital devices. Digital forensic is the one of main special area in cybercrime which could help in acquittal or conviction of the accused person in trial or appeal.
If you have been accused of cybercrime law or victim of cybercrime all you need a good cybercrime lawyer instead of ordinary lawyer.
Legal services in cybercrime matters as under:
- Bank account hacking;
- Password hacking;
- Email hacking;
- Web hacking;
- Id hacking on social media platform as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, YouTube;
- Online data theft;
- Online fraud;
- Denial of service attack;
- Unauthorized device access;
- Online Harassment or blackmailing;
Criminal law matters
Legal services in crime matters as under:
- FIR registration under General Law Pakistan Penal Code
- Case registration under Special laws of following department:
- National Accountability Bureau (NAB)
- Federal Investigation Agency (FIA)
- Anti-Narcotics force (ANF)
- Anti-Terrorism
- Quashment of FIR
- Bail before arrest
- Bail after arrest
- Bail after conviction
- Discharge of accused
- Acquittal before trial
- Private criminal complaint
- Criminal trial under Criminal Procedure Code
- Murder reference
- Appeal and revision in criminal matters
Service Law matters
One employee or servant means one family, if employee is not promoted or dismiss from service then his whole family will have to suffer. Services matters are technical and every lawyer cannot defend such cases. If you face any problem in your employment do not try to file any reply or application without consulting a lawyer. I am providing free legal advice and consultation in the service matters.
Legal services in service matters as under:
- Employee constitutional rights;
- Service rules interpretation (statutory or non-statutory);
- Posting and Transfer matters;
- Challenging the legality of show cause notice in the court;
- Challenging the legality of suspension order in the court;
- Filing of reply to show cause notice;
- Filing of departmental Appeal;
- Reinstate petition to set aside a major penalty i.e removal from service or dismissal from service;
- Promotion cases; or
- Pension matters;
Family law matters
Normally every person want to resolve family matters outside the court but sometime matter is so much complex that party come in court on last resort. In family matter confidentiality is priority. I am providing free legal advice and consultation in family matters.
Legal services in family matters as under:
- Court marriage;
- Court Separation (Khula) & Divorce;
- Child custody and maintenance;
- Property or assets settlement;
- Inheritance matters;
- Gifts matters;
- WILL matters
- Deathbed divorce, Will or gift
Business Hours
08:00 am
06:00 pm
Break Time
08:00 am
06:00 pm
Break Time
08:00 am
06:00 pm
Break Time
08:00 am
06:00 pm
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08:00 am
06:00 pm
Break Time
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Contact Info
- Address:F-8, Islamabad, Yukon, Pakistan
- GPS:33.6844202, 73.0478848
Tel: 0092-03245971547
Mob: 03245971547
- Email:[email protected]
- Web:http://lawgat.atspace.co.uk/legal-service.html
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