A). Integrated Energy.
Pakistan is facing extreme energy crisis, hence for to produce energy to meet the requirements following are the most important sectors according to the priority.
i) | Hydraulic Power Generation:- |
Pakistan is blessed in regard the natural sources of flowing water available in form of many rivers and water channels, which starts flowing from the ice melting high mountains to sea. Pakistan is also blessed by large catchments basins of precipitation either in the form of ice or rain.
Hence to meet the energy crisis the Hydraulic Power Energy Generation based which is definitely environment friendly along with such Hydraulic Power Generation will help to store water and to meet the requirements of irrigation for the crops even such Hydraulic Power Generation can also be helpful to raise the ground water table as well and will be helpful for plantation as well and to develop beautiful resorts regarding tourism too around such Dams. Pakistan by the grace of nature has big capacity to produce Hydraulic Power Generation based on the heads available to produce drop fall of water having good quantum of Potential Energy along with quantum and that Potential Energy be further converted into mechanical and then to electrical energy. Hence available head and quantum along with sustainability and feasibility of the sites are important to be worked on as the yield is also very important to design any such projects. |
ii) | Coal Energy:- |
As per the information achieved by media, Pakistan has a lot reserves regarding coal which can be utilized as fuel to produce other forms of fuel like diesel and to burn the coal directly itself to produce electrical energy. Also such big reserve clearly indicates that there must be sufficient reserve of other kinds of fuel as well. | |
iii) | Solar Energy:- |
Pakistan is enriched with solar source and hence Solar Energy can also be produced but its feasibility in totality regarding its original investment and then the cost of operation and maintenance and its sustainable life are important to be taken under consideration in detail. | |
iv) | Atomic Energy:- |
Pakistan has the technology of Atomic Energy hence the Atomic Energy should be utilized for the generation of electricity which is one of the best sources. | |
v) | Wind Energy:- |
Pakistan has a lot potential in the costal areas along with Karachi up to Makran and Gawadar where sufficient high velocity wind is available also there are many other areas where due to weather environment and temperature differences in the neighboring areas sufficient wind blow is available by the grace of nature hence all such areas including high hill tops, which can be helpful in production of electricity through wind and the Kinetic Energy of wind can be converted into mechanical form and then to produce electricity hence it is another environment friendly source which does not disturb or to burn other valuable sources. Hence is also one of the good sources of energy which can be availed. | |
vi) | Burning of Fuel:- |
All such sources in which fuels other than coal are burned to produce electricity must be discouraged as on one hand it is burning the fuel source of world which may be required for coming generations also to import fuel costs a lot to Pakistan and drains its economic reserves as well, also cause pollution. | |
vii) | Community bio gas plants:- |
By having more cattle and sheep forms bio gas plants can be helpful to produce fuel by acetylene gas to burn and may be helpful to run generators to produce electricity. | |
viii) | Garbage based energy generation:- |
Garbage is another good source to be decomposed to produce gas fuel. |
All such sources which are environment friendly and does not waste other sources of energy must be preferred and focused on in which Hydraulic Power Generation, Wind mills, Solar Energy, Atomic Energy and coal based electricity production must be preferred relying over the sources present in Pakistan.
C). Private Sector Led Growth.
Pakistan needs serious changes in its system which are not proper to be discussed here but the most important is that the Government Hierarchy of Pakistan needs to be rationalized and the unnecessary growth of Government machinery is needing to be curtailed along with the remuneration of Government machinery needs to be rationalized along with proper screening and competence with intention to be observed at every level.
“Right person to be placed on right job.”
The politicization and favoritism in Government Hierarchy must be extinguished. As only a healthy, free of corruption and Just Government machinery can be helpful in Private Sector Led Growth.
As over expanded, politicized, incompetent, under paid, sick, inhuman, unjust and by compulsion corrupt Government machinery is the basic obstacle for the private enterprises and economic growth of Pakistan.
There must be soft loaning available for properly qualified people to be provided against their academic records to let them place their ideas in form of feasibility or proposals and such proposals must be scrutinized by some appropriate official forum but first must have recommendation of board of Commerce in Private Sector to accomplish any such proposal to be placed before the forum and then against valuable proposals soft loans be available with such legislations that such loaning must not be wasted. All the private sector representative forums must place their proposals regarding all the issues they are facing as obstacles and after sufficient loud thinking and after well working in detail on their issues the obstacles and solutions be addressed and where required all the defective laws be abolished and better legislation with consent of competent and concerned people after well thought and well worked process be adopted.
The system of taxation is to be privatized as the tolls in Pakistan and only Taxation Courts are to be established on Division levels to settle the issues. Very simple and easy to under stand system of taxation is requiring to be introduced.
E). Modernization of Existing Infrastructure.
Infrastructure development must be according to international standards. Hence right sizing and capacity building of infrastructure building departments is required. Also there must be only one department regarding infrastructure development having all the sectors under one Government Department and may have bifurcation of Urban and Rural. Such mechanism may help to avoid overlapping, fudge and unorganized development having grade (B-20) posts at district levels and then grade (B-21) posts at Division levels and grade (B-22) posts to head such Department at provincial and state levels. All international standards must strictly be observed in building sustainable infrastructure. Public participation can be a good tool to have sustainable projects and the beneficiary community must have a sense of ownership also the demand driven projects should be preferred. Right sizing of concerned Departments, Expert ism, Capacity Building of concerned Departments and Right person on right job can produce better results along with trust over right parsons placed on right jobs to be helpful to deliver. I am incorporating here my exclusive input regarding the construction of roads in AJK.
F). Institutional and Governance reforms.
The issue needs macro approach instead of to have micro approach as to have better command method which may produce better results as the reforms takes place from top and not from bottom to produce results. Hence in my opinion Pakistan may have elected Presidential form of Democracy as in America. As in initial Islamic Governments there were following important features of such Governments:
i) | Rule by one man:- |
There was rule by one man, who was Chief Executive, head of legislation body and supreme commander of their forces as well. | |
ii) | Legislative body (Shura) was separate from executive:- |
No any member of Shura was placed or deputed on any executive post/port folio to keep the legislation fair. | |
iii) | Selection of rulers by Shura and not by common people:- |
The rulers of the time were not chosen by the common people but were chosen by the Shura having caliber more than common people. Hence at least the voters must posses some minimum qualification. | |
iv) | Judiciary be superior and no body having exemption before the judiciary:- |
Judiciary must be superior to legislation to have check over the legislation under the umbrella of constitution and not a custodian kind of Judiciary. No any executive even the Chief Executive may have exemption before the law. | |
v) | Executives to be placed by the recommendation of majority of Shura by the Chief Executive but not from the Legislative Body:- |
The Executives must be placed from out side of the Legislative Body mainly nominated by the Chief Executive with the majority consent of the Senate (i.e. the upper house of Legislative body) |
Hence as per above mentioned norms the Austin an American Jurist might had idea and as per initial Islamic States kept all the following three piers of the Government separate from each other in their role, independent and had check of every two on the other third pier. Meaning there by following three piers:
(1). Legislative body
(2). Executive
(3). Judiciary
Hence in America all the above five norms are observed by separation of all the three piers and checks of every two over the third.
American President is Chief Executive, head of legislative body and supreme head of American forces. No any member of legislative body including House of Representatives and Senate can have any other portfolio to keep the legislation neat and impartial. America has indirect mechanism of election of members of House of Representatives and Senate through electoral system, hence people having better awareness elect the legislative body and the Chief Executive of the country. Judiciary in America is superior to legislation and no body has exemption before it and not a custodian kind of judiciary as in UK and Pakistan. In America the Secretary of State i.e. the Ministers are placed by the Chief Executive who can not be from the legislative body and with the majority recommendations of Senate.
Pakistan adopted parliamentary form of democracy as in United Kingdom (U.K.) where as the parliamentary form of democracy as in United Kingdom (U.K.) has long history of heritage and that is based on traditions which are built in many hundreds of years. Also the nucleolus of parliamentary form of democracy in United Kingdom (U.K.) is the institution of Crown which is a sacred most institution of United Kingdom (U.K.), hence such parliamentary form of democracy is going on without any written constitution.
Hence for Pakistan Elected Presidential form of democracy in which all the three piers of state i.e. i) Legislative body, ii) Executive and iii) Judiciary must be separate and every two must have check over the third pier to keep a permanent mechanism of accountability along with the education level of voter may produce better results to perform as Shura.
Reduction and right sizing of Government machinery along with rationalization of remunerations, capacity building, value of competence, value of hard work, value of time, Truth, Vision, Justice are the keys to improve the performance of Government machinery. Also corruption needs to be properly defined as the corruption does not mean only financial illegal gratifications (As the window of computer when gets corrupt it does not start taking ill legal gratification but it becomes poor or defective to deliver as per requirement of its design), hence in my opinion corruption means failure or defect in the deliverance of any system which has following important forms:.
- Poor Governance.
- Injustice in totality in society.
- Holding of post or portfolio by any such person who does not deserve to be there.
- Wastage of time.
- Material illegal gratification against wrong doings.
- Material illegal gratification against right doings.
Hence indiscriminate justice in totality must be ensured. Accountability and rewards must be ensured. Also no body should ever be above law at all.
G). Regional Initiatives for AJ&K.
All the regions must be explored for local initiatives. As for Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K) following are the most important regional initiatives needing to be addressed.
i) | Tourism:- |
For tourism to be promoted in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K) following are the key aspects to be addressed.
1. Infrastructure Development to be on international standards. 2. Residential facilities for tourists to be improved at international standards. 3. Public attitude and behavior towards tourists to be improved by the leadership |
ii) | Hydraulic Power Generation:- |
Azad Jammu and Kashmir is enriched in flowing water sources and can produce a lot of electrical energy due to its natural sources and terrain. So hydraulic electricity production can be one of the biggest industries for AJK. | |
iii) | Finished Goods Wood Industry:- |
Azad Jammu and Kashmir has plenty of forests and further forestry can also be promoted, hence because of availability of good quality local wood rather precious kinds of wood are also available, hence finished goods production based on wood can also be a good regional initiative of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. | |
iv) | Wind Electricity Production:- |
In Azad Jammu and Kashmir on high hill tops high flow of air/wind is observed and thus there are many sites where wind mills can be successful installed. | |
v) | Minerals Extraction:- |
Azad Jammu and Kashmir is rich in mineral resources, hence extraction of precious minerals can be a good local enterprise and then its processing locally can further be a good regional initiative. | |
vi) | Cement Industry:- |
Many areas of Azad Jammu And Kashmir may have the raw material of cement industry, so after detailed probing of minerals by the experts can produce proposals regarding such industries. | |
vii) | Bee Farming:- |
Azad Jammu and Kashmir can be good for bee farming. | |
viii) | Cattle and sheep farming:- |
Azad Jammu and Kashmir already has sheep keeping culture but still a lot margin of growth in this industry can be possible. | |
ix) | Chicken Farming (Poultry):- |
Many of the areas in Azad Jammu and Kashmir can better be utilized for Chicken farming. | |
x) | Fish Farming:- |
Rivers of Azad Jammu and Kashmir can be utilized to produce fishes of different kinds which may be suitable. | |
xi) | Brick Industry Around the Periphery of Dam:- |
The silting in Mangla Dam can be addressed by having brick and other clay based industry around the Mangla Dam and incentives be introduced by the WAPDA to facilitate for extraction of silt from Dam and be used by the Brick and Clay Based Industry to utilize the silt, which must be extracted from Dam during the low level durations of Dam. This kind of extraction of silt may help to keep the increased capacity of Dam and hence better water storage and to enhance the useful life of Dam as well. | |
xii) | Small and cottage industry:- |
The human resource of Azad Jammu and Kashmir is to be promoted to groom small cottage industry and to enhance self reliance. | |
xiii) | Fruit and vegetable farming:- |
In AJK there is generally small land holdings, hence fruit and vegetable farming can be good. | |
xiv) | Silk Production:- |
The weather of AJK is good in many regions to have mulberry plants and then to have silk producing kokoons (An insect which produces silk). | |
xv) | Community bio gas plants:- |
By having more cattle and sheep forms bio gas plants can be helpful to produce fuel by acetylene gas to burn and may be helpful to run generators to produce electricity. | |
xvi) | Garbage based energy generation:- |
Garbage is another good source to be decomposed to produce gas fuel. |
Hence in all the regions of Pakistan regional industries are required to be promoted to utilize the Local human resource for individuals and national income generation.