Fundamental suggestions.
For better Pakistan following are the fundamental suggestions.
- Qualitative leadership which must have following properties.
- Fear of Allah.
- Intention to deliver best in the best interest of Nation and world.
- Greed less.
- Having no any discrimination other than just right and wrong.
- Strong will to establish indiscriminate and qualitative justice without any of the personal interest or obligation.
- The best competent.
- Character full.
- Truth full.
- Having value of time.
- Lead by example.
- Hard working.
- Integrity full.
- Better system to deliver and for better system to deliver following are some suggestions.
- There is no any system better than democracy but we have to change the system from Parliamentary to Presidential like in America which even has close resemblance to our initial Islamic states i.e. Rule by one man, Legislative body to be separate from executive, Judiciary be superior and no any exemption to any before Judiciary where as the Judiciary accountable by jointly executive and legislative body, Selection of rulers by Shura and not by common people. So we must take the basic idea from American system of democracy and indirect election through mechanism of electoral and voter must be specified by age and education.
- All the candidates and voters must have some standard of education which must be well thought in accordance with their role.
- The Constitution must be Secular but with restrictions that no any law against the teachings of Islam be allowed. As there is no any threat to Islam as in Pakistan there are more than 95% Muslims.
- The system of Judiciary and induction in to be changed and improved as is laid in JAC UK even similar system to be adopted on every induction on merit every where.
3) Indiscriminate and qualitative Justice at every level of society to be ensured by Government, Executive, Judiciary and public at large.
4) Strong sense of Right and Wrong is to be developed.
5) Pakistan to be welfare state and it must be the responsibility of Government to take care of all citizens.
6) Indiscriminate and open accountability from top to bottom.
7) Right sizing of system.
8) Right persons on fair merits without discrimination to be placed on right job.
9) Focus to quality education at every level and in easy reach of every body to be ensured by government.
10) Quality health service to be provided to every body and ensured by the Government.
11) Taxes must be minimum, simple to understand by every body and its collection must be indiscriminate and ensured.
12) Accountability at least from 1971.
13) Instead of giving strong punishments on financial corruptions some comfortable punishments along with all the recoveries which they do not justify be nationalized and first all the loans of the nation be paid back to bring it out of the influence of foreign hands and then if shortage exist I hope the nation will pay it back if there be the credibility of Government.
Rest all will be corrected automatically.
Engr. Kamran Hafeez Chohan
B.Sc. Civil Engineer & LLB
Advocate High Court
Brick By Brick,
Legal Consultancy & Services,
Chamber No. 10, Street No. 5,
Qamar Anayat Raja Block,
F-8 Kachehri,
Cell # 03009509948 / 03438821700 / 03131226888