That the better solution we have right now is that all the corrupt and having other serious flaws Politicians must be removed from membership of Assemblies under Article 62 & 63 and then may provide representation to rest of all the credible members of Assemblies in proportion to their last vote mandate which they had in previous election.
The change of system from Parliamentary to Presidential form of democracy like in America, also the new Constitution must be Secular with a restriction that no any law against the directions of Islam could ever be made.
Then right sizing of government machinery, right person on right job through fair merits as per the procedure in JAC UK, remunerations to be logical in Public Sector, to bring the Government machinery out of corruption by compulsion.
Reforms in judiciary by removing / abolishing all the articles which permit an experienced lawyer to be placed as judge in superior judiciary, induction from initial level in judiciary as per the process of JAC UK and in all the other Civil Services, mechanism of jury in all the Courts of Law to apply check over the acts of the Judiciary, also for every appeal against any judgment of lower Court the concerned judge or judges of lower judiciary who made the judgment in appeal must also be listed in respondents on top and if the judgment is found wrong by appellate court, the judge of lower judiciary must at least be conveyed displeasure over poor judgment or any other penalization may also be devised and such displeasure must be accounted for while promotions of any such judge take place also a mechanism of silent voting of all the concerned Bars to validate the credibility of any such Judge under promotion and in panel, but if any judge be found maneuvering lawyers of the Bar in his favor on cogent evidences be immediately and permanently rejected for any promotion ever, the role of Judicial Council be expedited and similarly the part of Bar Council Acts regarding proceedings upon the complaints against lawyers on their mal acts against the justice be expedited. Even the Bar Council Acts is to be framed through legislative assembly and not by the Bar Councils to convert it to a proper law. Also for every vexatious and frivolous stance taken by any lawyer the party and lawyer of the party must be penalized under Section 35-A and 35 of CPC and similar kind of law may also be introduced in Cr.P.C. as well and heavy penalties be awarded. Also for some numbers of such penalties licenses of lawyers must be suspended and further even it may be cancelled. Even the degrees of all the lawyers be verified and if found fudge or fake be discarded from profession and even be penalized under civil and criminal proceedings.
Then accountability across the board through out Pakistan and through free and fair open trial and the people found guilty be penalized also all the excess they posses to their justified owning inside Pakistan and even outside Pakistan be nationalized and the person be permanently black listed for any business or role with the public sector of Pakistan. Writ of Law to be ensured at every level of society without any discrimination firstly by the Government, then by Judiciary and at the end by the Public at large.
Pakistan is to be a welfare state.
Then prime focus to followings;
- Justice which includes accountability as well.
- All the system to be made logical.
- Strengthening of Institutions.
- Value of Time.
- Value of competence.
- Value of hard work.
- Pay back of all loans.
- Infrastructure development.
- Improvement in social services.
- Taxation to be reduced, simplified and ensured.
- Capacity building.
- Self reliance.
- “
Pakistan is much more important than any person, party or system.